See, this is the kind of wonderful product you find on internet blogs. I don't know where they get their information, but anytime you see an entire article written to prove how over-rated Dion Phaneuf is you have to think, wow, you sir are sir totally awesome sir. Well-researched, good use of statistics with large sample sizes and a totally biased premise.
I can't say I've watched the Flames and thought my GOD does Phaneuf ever suck. I've had lots of other thoughts. While listening to his interviews I've thought "Geez, I wonder if his IQ could top Edmonton's summer time temperatures," and "I could see him eating puppies to sustain himself" and "I would like to hit him with a shovel." Just watching him squirm his way though CBC softball questions is so unpleasant, it's like watching Hannibal Lector describe his new floor: the blandness of the topic and phrases only serves to accentuate his obvious evilness. I have no doubt that Phaneuf doesn't tip, doesn't say thank you, doesn't hold doors open for the person behind him, and spends the off-season hunting the most dangerous animal of all, Man. I'm a fan, I'll think whatever I want. Never thought he was over-rated though, since he seems pretty good I guess. Thanks to someone else's research though, I now think of Phaneuf another inexplicably celebrated athlete in the great tradition of Darin Erstad, David Eckstein, Tracy McGrady, Dougie Gilmour ("Doug" Gilmour was a very good player but "Dougie" Gilmour was as insufferably hyped as a demi-god), Wendel Clark and, yes, Brian Urlacher. Yay internets!
1 comment:
Yes I'll first start with up until now I agree with everything this blog has ever stated except the articles preceding this one.
Picking overrated players is easy, as they stand out. I challenge you to name the top 5 must underrated players in the NHL. And add 5 more from the other leagues because I know you're going to add Urlacher to the list.
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